Our online card catalog contains over 15,000 in-house items including books, audiobooks, and DVDs.
Electronic resources are also available for download.
To renew materials currently out:
1. Click on "Online Card Catalog"
2. Click on "Log In" in the upper right hand corner of the page
3. Select the items you wish to renew
Can't find what you're looking for? We offer free Interlibrary Loan services.
Contact us with your request at (207) 497-3003 or peabodylibrarian@peabody.lib.me.us.
- WiFi available 24/7, no password needed.
Wednesday 10am - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm
Peabody Puzzle Palooza
Digital Maine Library
Imagination Library
Health Connect Program
Comics Plus
Peabody Puzzle Palooza
Digital Maine Library
Welcome to the new Digital Maine Library!
No matter where you are in Maine, you’re always at the library!
You’ll find thousands of magazines, newspapers, and references available through this expansive online resource to all Maine citizens! Geolocation makes it faster and easier for you to access the resources you need anywhere within Maine.
Imagination Library
Health Connect Program
Comics Plus