
Online Donations

Peabody Memorial Library does receive limited public support, but in order to fund our many programs, we need your support. Donations are accepted for Peabody Memorial Library’s General Fund, Endowment Fund, Children’s Programs, Art in the Library, Music in the Library, and the Friends of Peabody Memorial Library. We appreciate your help.


Donate via PayPal to Peabody Memorial Library's General Fund

Friends of the Library

Donate via PayPal to the Friends of Peabody Memorial Library

Children's Programs

Donate via PayPal to Children's Programs at Peabody Memorial Library

Art in the Library

Donate via PayPal to
Art in the Library

Music in the Library

Donate via PayPal to Music in the Library

Endowment Fund

Donate via PayPal to Peabody Memorial Library's Endowment Fund

Check Donations

Contribution by check should be made payable to:

Peabody Memorial Library
PO Box 210
Jonesport, ME  04649

Please specify your preference as to where you would like to see your donation placed.

Book Donations

We accept donations of gently used and new books, audiobooks, and DVDs. The library will donate all materials that cannot be used to the Friends of the Library for their annual book sale. Proceeds from the book sale help the Friends of the Library purchase new books for the library.